Monday, December 20, 2010

The Black Swan

I went and saw this movie the other day. It was AMAZING! Natalie Portman was amazing! She nailed the part and was very good even though they needed a stand in dancer.  But the dancing she did do was not too horrid! :)
This movie I think is depicting the struggles and pressures of ballet and how there is so much pressure to be perfect.  It was an abstract and strange and scary way of depicting it, but great at the same time.  It was a total over exaggeration of being driven mad from ballet, but that is hollywood.  I really thought the story line was good, and it was very shocking at times, a true thriller.  The movie was also very sexual at times.  I loved how they had a crazy stage mom, every ballet movie needs that.  And I love how the movie is about Swans and swan lake, and how the movie is almost like the ballet swan lake.  The movie's score was amazing, and the costumes were great.
I loved how Nina, the main character played by Natalie Portman, becomes mad because she can't take the stress of the role, the stress of her mom, the stress of the director, and the stress of growing up and trying to make sense of sexuality, feelings, emotions, and other things.  I give this movie ten stars out of five!  loved it. I love a good unexpected ballet thriller.

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